Scorpio Full Moon of Regenerative Presence with Ink Caps

Welcome to this Scorpio Full Moon of Regenerative Presence 
with Coprinopsis atramentaria

in 17°20' Scorpio
Thursday, May 7th
4:45 am MST

With Gemini, our presence consistently regenerates, it is not static.
Fungus: Coprinopsis atramentaria, "ink caps" or "tippler's bane"

Full Moons are a time of emotional release. We let go of the cycles that have been felt since the Taurus New Moon of Simple Sensuality (April 22nd), and perhaps since the last Scorpio Full Moon in May of 2019. We have been asked, "how do you live in your body?", "what do you take for granted?", "where is your simple strength?".

Now, as the Sun illuminates the power of Scorpio Full Moon, we can stand strong in our beautiful capacity to think before we speak. Scorpionic depths of old and cold emotional entanglements are being surfaced and released. With Sun still in loose conjunction with Mercury, we are listening to the child inside of ourselves with curiosity and ready to act grounded in our truest expression. We feel, and ground, before we "strike". In fact, is there really ever a need to strike? 

As Scorpio is highly attuned to any kind of threat, their retaliatory mechanisms are renowned for stinging rebukes. Because of their psychological insight and perceptiveness, their comments have a way of landing where they'll do the most damage. Scorpios only launch an attack when they feel the need to defend and protect themselves. Scorpions, when attacked, will even sting themselves to death rather than surrender. Scorpio, a water sign, is not the best at grounded judgment and dialogue. This Scorpio Full Moon invites us to venture into a place of stillness, self-observation, and forgiveness. When sticky emotions arise, how can you self-soothe and release your need for protection?

This Full Moon Fungus, Coprinopsis atramentaria, a type of common "ink cap", is edible, yet poisonous when consumed with alcohol, resulting in "disulifiram" syndrome. Any poisonous plant or fungus can be associated with Pluto, one of Scorpio's two planetary mentors. Poisoning symptoms vary based on amount of alcohol consumed. C. atramentaria contain a mycotoxin (an amino acid) called coprine, which is also found in the other Coprinopsis species. 

As a chain reaction, hydrolytic enzymes allow ink caps to digest themselves through water, an evolutionary advantage that gets their tightly packed gills to separate, curl back, and release spores. Through this "selective death", old and now useless tissue gets out of the way for the spore babies' flight. In a single mushroom cap, an unusually high percentage, 60-85%, of basidia (the spore carriers) will be at the same stage of development. This mushroom seems to be utilizing many evolutionary tools to get the job done (reproduce, sporulate, and decompose back into the earth) as fast and efficient as possible. Watery Scorpio loves a good "selective death", especially when this death becomes letting go of the instinctual need to strike.

As Pluto is 2020's Ally, this Moon represents a powerful wave of release, penetration, and confrontation of our emotional themes that flavor this year. We have listened to and worked with our shadow selves and our pain bodies in incredible ways. How are you committed to the simple joys and gratitude of each day? Scorpio does love to mentally fixate and obsess over the psychology of themselves and of others, and can be reminded every now and then to simply be in the present moment. As we work with the Scorpio Full Moon of the year, now is the time to release emotional cycles having to do with obsession, mistrust, resentment, and denial. 

How is your understanding of your emotional resources transforming?

Sun formed their exact conjunction with Mercury in 14° Taurus on Monday, May 4th, also this year's astronomical date of Midspring, a celebration of new growth and in the trust of earth life. This tradition traces back to all of our ancestral roots when we hunted, gathered, and trusted the earth to give what was needed without concern or control. I trust you've been tuning into your own Midspring rituals throughout the week. Midspring traditions are largely about gathering, uniting, coming together, perhaps around a fire, and braiding, singing, and feasting with a powerful sense of joy and gratitude for nature's generosity. May you all feel into your essential lusciousness and beingness -- the spacious nature of you being breathed.

These past couple of weeks have felt powerful urges for freedom and liberation, with Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus on April 25th, many of us have a new understanding of who we are, how we're transforming our pain, and how we relate to the Earth. Throughout Taurus season, we have been taking space to relax, replenish, and restore our physical senses.

This Scorpio Full Moon is also flowing smoothly with Neptune in Pisces -- this Moon is about breathing, feeling, listening, playing, dreaming, and imagining.

5/11 Saturn stations Rx in Aquarius: reorienting to interconnectedness
On Monday, May 11th, Saturn stations retrograde in 01°57' Aquarius. Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21st, 2020, and we have been welcoming Saturn into Aquarius for the first time since 1991-1994. Through this upcoming Rx motion, Saturn will retrace its path backwards and enter Capricorn on July 2nd, 2020. Saturn stations Direct on September 29th at 25°20 Capricorn and will re-enter Aquarius, this is the big and formal entrance, on December 16th, 2020.

Saturn turns backwards and has a second chance to contemplate what it means to enter Aquarius. How do you live in collaboration? In group-heart? How do you identify with something larger than yourself? This interconnected being that you are? The fungi, and nature, teach us a lot about being an Interbeing...

You cannot understand a being if you isolate it from its context. The deeper you go into your individual identity, the more you discover about collective humanity. Saturn in Aquarius truly ride the waves of no separation -- we all exist in consciousness together. So we journey into our reorienting to interconnectedness.

5/12 Mercury -> Gemini: agile minds and hopelessness/abundance
On Tuesday, May 12th, Mercury enters Gemini. Mercury is at home here to boost our minds with alert observation and tantalizing, agile, and inquisitive interest. Gemini, our twin sign, can also have an erratic connection to their feelings. Being an air sign, they thrive on information exchange and communication, but it would do them good to admit when they don't know something. Gemini and Scorpio's need to know can be relentless and can divert intimacy. 

The most central dilemma to Gemini is the "lost twin" syndrome -- they are on a seemingly never-ending search for perfection, for something more. If something about their current situation is undesirable, Gemini's go-to is to move on and search for it elsewhere. They are seemingly plagued by feelings of dissatisfaction or yearning. Gemini is the hungry ghost. Where might you never feel full enough? How can you work with the energy of abundance?

5/13 Venus stations Rx in Gemini: commit to regenerative presence and abundant circulation
On Wednesday, May 13th, Venus stations Retrograde for the first time in ~26 months. Through this Rx cycle, Venus will end up traveling in Gemini for almost 4 months! Venus entered Gemini on April 3rd and will enter Cancer on August 7th. Venus' cycle is actually one of the first observations many sky-watchers made. Awareness of Venus' Rx cycle predates any understanding of the natal chart or other horoscopic astrology. 

Like we've mentioned, Geminis use wit to court attention and simultaneously avoid intimacy, so Venus, planet of love, magnetism, and value, has an opportunity to rethink and retrace in this interesting area of mental activity. Being a mutable air sign, Gemini does have difficulties with their feelings, and sometimes feelings can be threatening. Gemini can overanalyze and dissect others and their motives, rather than looking at themselves. Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) will be sensitive to this backwards movement. 

As Gemini is so curious and intrigued by many loves, they tend to fear commitment, consciously or subconsciously. For Gemini, commitment is something that recreates, re-evaluates, and regenerates regularly, rather than a static way of life or for eternity. How can you commit to the moment? 

Gemini rules the arms, hands, lungs, nervous system, and wingspan. Gemini oversees circulation -- where do you feel circulation in relationships? Where may you feel restriction? How do you move with awareness of the two, compromise, and expand feelings of abundant circulation? 

5/13 Mars enters Pisces:
We are moved by spirit, the great ocean, compassion, and also suffering in the world. How do you have adaptable and resilient boundaries that help you succeed in your goals?

5/18 Sun enters Gemini

Happy Full Moon, sweet ones! As a reminder, through May 20th, Taurus Sun, Moon, Rising, and Mercury signs get 20% off readings with me. 
