Gemini New Moon of Freeing our Understanding

Welcome to this Gemini New Moon of Freeing our Understanding 
with Encoelia heteromera.
Friday, May 22nd at 10:54 am PST 
Fungus: Encoelia heteromera

Gemini Season begins with a New Moon in 2°04' Gemini on Friday, May 22nd at 10:54 am PST/1:54 pm EST. This is a rich window into listening to our Gemini intentions for the next year. As Gemini is the first human glyph of the zodiac, Gemini symbolizes the conclusions we draw and how we are socialized. The cerebral twins tell us about our cognitive expectations and "normalized" behavior.

This moment offers us how to see through the dichotomies and shed our limited thinking. With Mercury conjunct Venus Rx, our minds are open to our truest values. How do we invite ourselves into a beautiful life? As Mercury travels forwards through the sign, Venus is going backwards in Retrograde motion.

We release our grasp on opinions and the need to be right. With Venus Rx in Air-Sign Gemini, we are revisiting what it means to be a human -- how to love, our capacity to relate to and support others, and how we build community. While in the midst of Venus Rx, how are you learning new ways to articulate your love? How are you learning new ways to free your love?

Our New Moon Fungus, Encoelia heteromera, erupts from dead or dying wood in tender pink/cream colored clusters. This mushroom is an ascomycetes, whose spores are contained inside of the cups. Through their evolutionary morphology, these mushrooms don't necessarily grow to align their spore-release zones with gravity. Ascomycete mushrooms can release their spores up to the heavens, from pressure build up, air turbulence, or change of humidity. 

Encoelia heteromera by Kurt Miller (Mushroom Observer).

Venus Rx in Gemini
Venus stationed Retrograde in 21° Gemini on Wednesday, May 13th and will drift back to 05° Gemini where they will station Direct on Thursday, June 25th. This Venus Rx is all about how we perceive relationships. How are you learning new ways of articulating your love? This Rx motion will be especially felt for those with strong mutable placements -- in Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces -- and also for those mentored by Venus -- Taurus and Libra. 

What are your objectives in relationship? Are you tactful or tactless? How do you receive others and their truth? How are you a body of sacred listening and not just a driving force? How do you receive? Do you get overloaded easily or feel spread thin? Airy Gemini is mental, so what are your thoughts on & objectives in love? Then, how do you ground these down and integrate them in any of your relationships?

This wave of Gemini personal energy lays us down into the new flower bed of the Gemini-Sagittarius Nodal Axis. Every~2.5 years, the nodes of the moon ("lunar nodes") change zodiacal axis. They have been in Cancer-Capricorn energy, of reparenting ourselves, nourishing and softening our societal structures, and letting go of approaching life through scarcity and domination.

Encoelia heteromera by Kurt Miller (Mushroom Observer).

North & South Nodes have entered the Gemini-Sagittarius Axis
On May 4th, the North and South Nodes shifted from the Cancer-Capricorn axis into the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. The nodal axis is powerful -- this is the eclipse axis which can blot out the light of the luminaries after all, Sun and Moon. Like the ouroboros, they lead us beyond our origins and into our incarnation. 

This Gemini New Moon initiates the first baby breaths into riding the collective tightrope of Gemini-Sagittarius until January of 2022. The North and South Nodes represent potent karmic energy -- what the earth is shedding and incarnating into. The nodes reflect the leading edge of our growth and decay. In Gemini-Sagittarius, new collective-soul lessons are emerging.

This Gemini-Sagittarius nodal energy is so pertinent to our current quality of collective being. For the next 2.5 years, we release righteous zealotry, greed, and lack of focused attention, being overly analytical and getting lost in the brain. We listen with our full bodies, not just our heads. We become present to our current situation and what is local or in our immediate surroundings. We let go of doing too much and being too many things.

Encoelia heteromera by Kurt Miller (Mushroom Observer).

We engage cooperative partnerships, all kinds, and the dynamism present between interpersonal relationships. We are playful and curious, allowing our inner child to explore, communicate, and feel loved. We ditch our opinionated behavior for the act of sacred listening -- for being present in situations and not reacting out of avoiding intimacy. 

We confront our perspective of dissatisfaction, for always yearning for something more. The twin we're longing for is right here, inside of yourself, and inside of all beings. In every moment is this gift. We ground into this generosity, this gratitude for each morning and each evening. We stop trying to "get where it's at" and recognize this as an inner place of being. Each moment is freeing.

Throughout 2020, there are 6 Eclipses, 1 or 2 more than usual. This upcoming Full Moon on Friday, June 5th is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. 

Encoelia heteromera by Kurt Miller (Mushroom Observer).

Venus-Neptune Square
Venus and Neptune are moving out of a Square (that was exact on Wednesday, May 20th), and we are brought back to themes around May 3rd, when this square was exact in direct motion. This transit can distort relationships, but it also offers a way to see our raw and compulsive nature of attraction. These two planets are the romancers, so a square can bring up insecurity and vulnerability, and also trust and creative stimulation. Allowing yourself to love yourself and receive love from others is bound to surface the beautiful, watery depths of Neptune. We are freeing our understanding.

Mercury enters Cancer on Thursday, May 28th 
Mercury will station Rx at 14°46' Cancer on June 18th. On June 1st, Mercury enters their Pre-Rx shadow. In Cancer, our minds are ripe for any ancestral sleuthing and finding our sense of belonging.

The Sagittarius Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is on Friday, June 5th
