Pisces New Moon of Rippling Agency with Cryptococcus neoformans

Pisces New Moon of Rippling Openness
in 04°28' Pisces 8:32 am MST
Sunday, February 23, 2020
We are rippling agency together
Fungus: Cryptococcus neoformans

Welcome to this Pisces New Moon of Rippling Agency! Here's to Agencing together.

 Losing our autonomy and agency corresponds to Pisces' wisdom. Where do you lose the sense of separateness? Where do you submit and surrender your efforts to what just simply is? Use this time with Mercury Rx to recognize your mental schemes and gently release them into the cosmic void.

This Pisces New Moon, conjunct Mercury Rx, holds infinite meaning and intention. How will you develop your psychic organ for the rest of the year? How are you going to open and receive your lack of control? What really affects you, and how can you deeply listen to what wisdom is being shared during these experiences? The flow shows us how to hold our sensitivities and fragilities as places of wonderful teaching. And that our "individual" agency is more like an agency of an ecosystem.

Cryptococcus neoformans
, also known as the fungus growing inside of the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor, has been gaining exposure recently thanks to some internet headlines. While this fungus was first observed growing here in 1991, just 5 years after the most radioactive disaster known to our planet, it was actually first scientifically described in the 1890s as an unforgiving microorganism that infects humans who have compromised immune systems with cryptococcosis -- a fatal fungal disease.

"Dance of Life" By Tuco Amalfi, 2002 (Acrylic on canvas.)

While this image is not of our cute little Cryptococcus species, I thought Tuco Amalfi's acrylic painting captures an incredible Pisces essence. Amalfi, who lives in Sao Paolo, Brazil, has been described as creating works in which the "[hu]man awakening in the cosmos is always present".

Pisces is the vast nothingness and everythingness. Being the last sign of the Zodiac (if you go around it traditionally -- as the last chapter of the story of the wheel), Pisces is where all of the signs coalesce and dissolve into each other. The Big Stew. 

There is no solidity to Pisces. Pisces is a state of fluidity. An ocean of simultaneousness and non-separateness while also an emptiness and nothingness. The reality of Pisces is that this is our reality. We live in a vast interconnectedness. There is nothing that is separate, even though many of us tend to perceive this Piscean reality as something not real, being that we are humans who live in fruiting bodies with minds and identities and judgments.

In Medical Astrology, Pisces symbolizes a state of porousness, sensitivity, and non-materiality. Pisces rules the scalp, soles of the feet, palms of the hands, armpits, and perineum (the point between the anus and the vulva or the anus and the scrotum). Weakness, deficiency, and illness are also related to Pisces.

These are all impermeable areas of the body that can exude or seep fluid and moisture. Our hands sweat when we feel nervous. The top of our head can release a lot of body heat -- try not wearing a hat in a snowy winter. These Pisces parts are areas where the external environment can permeate in, or the inner environment easily seeps out. Moisture, temperature, spores, chemicals in the air, environmental substances, these are all particles and qualities that we can't usually see, but are there and have great affect on our "individual" bodies.

Where do you feel fragile?

The feelings of being affected and of being impressionable are hugely Piscean. Emotional emanations are incredibly similar to environmental emanations. Your mood can change immediately when entering a forest of curiosity or an angry family. When have you felt yourself responding to a mood or vibe when you entered into a space?

Consider where you feel fragile. Your experiences of loss or lack of control? Where you have to open up to the inevitable or to the unknown or to the uncontrollable? Imagine experiences you've had when you've wanted someone or something to save you.

Pisces shows us our deep sensitivity to whether or not someone is able to show up and give me what I need. We experience a loss of agency when we need others to support or ease our feeling of fragility. On the one hand this shows us that we are dependent creatures who sometimes experience loss of self and loss of agency. On the other hand this shows us we are a connected ecosystem of being.

Cryptococcus neoformans with a light India ink stain. Life-threatening infections of this fungal pathogen have increased steadily over the past 10 years due to the expanded use of immunosuppressive drugs and the onset of AIDS. (Photo by Leanor Haley from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library.)

Heaven is somewhere else vs. embracing our temporality

Pisces is associated to the ending of the human journey when we are rebirthed into universal consciousness and our separate sense of identity is merged with the great Divine. Pisces becomes associated to salvation, bondage, and sacrifice.

"I could have the answer! I could be saved! I could be the one who understands. I'm the one saving us from suffering! I can be powerful if..."

Control happens when we ourselves from our mycelial ecosystem and believing that something is better on the other side. The Pisces state can be about not recognizing the divine love and joy in this present moment as much as it does. Many people say we are still in the Pisces Age or on the cusp between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.

Where in your life have you felt that you've wanted to be a savior? Where you think you just might have some sort of omnipotent control? What does this lead to? 

When have you experienced that something bigger is out there and that you can connect to it? Consider your experiences you've had connecting to it. This feeling of separation and non-separation (or merging) is very much a Pisces teaching. Nothing really matters, yet, of course, everything greatly matters. 

When we embrace our temporality, we see that now is the moment of magic and that everything is unfolding simply as it is. I can participate in this life as an active agent of creativity. 
The other side of this axis is Virgo -- the disciplined and industrious herbalist who doses themselves and everybody else with health and love. 
The Pisces Glyph symbolizes two fish either swimming in opposite directions or chasing each other's tales. These fish are tethered by a thread or a silver cord. One fish swims in Spirit. The other fish swims in Materiality. They can't get anywhere if they don't work together. 

Is your Spirit Fish asleep or groggy? How does your Spirit Fish get aimlessly tugged around by your Material Fish? This is a time to take inventory of our addictions, habits, negative thoughts that keep us down, depressed, repressed, and limited in our perspective. Let your Spirit Fish out!

The Material Fish sets goals and intentions, and may become overbearing, obsessive, and weakens our power to be supported by Spirit Fish. Without the Spirit Fish, Material Fish just flounders about! 
How we go greatly matters. There is so much that we don't know. We are learning how to be kind and nourishing to our present experience. We are giving our bodies space to breathe and feel emotions.

C. neoformans in the lung of a patient with AIDS. The inner capsule of this fungus is stained red in this photomicrograph. (Image by CDC/ Dr. Edwin P. Ewing, Jr, via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image.)

Fungi are one of our grand liaisons into the unknown.

Cryptococcus neoformans has been growing on the walls of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor since 1991 and has been baffling scientists due to the extreme radiation-heavy environment. Even though this fungus infects humans with cryptococcosis, it is also being studied for its curiosity and possible benefits to humans. 

C. neoformans contains high levels of melanin (like some other fungi) which absorbs the radiation and turns it into chemical energy similar to the process of photosynthesis. We've called it "radiosynthesis"! And C. neoformans is a "radiotrophic" fungus. So now this fungus was sent out on the International Space Station in November 2019 to be tested for its ability against radiation. Space-approved sunscreen from extracting this melanin?? Perhaps... Has this fungus or any fungus been in this extraterrestrial domain before? Perhaps...

Pisces Domain = where I don't have absolute control of myself.

What's so interesting about this fungus to me is that it is defying our collective scientific understanding of life by just growing where it may. Can life be controlled? Since the body has been formed from the same intelligence that birthed rocks, clouds, and fungi, whatever cellular memory that exists in my body is definitely not separate from everything else. And, since animals and fungi share a common ancestor, and both as branched away from plants around 1.1 billion years ago, fungi have more genetic similarities with humans than plants do. Can I control?


Mars is in Capricorn as of February 16th. Our assertion and how we take action are set into tectonic movement by this Cardinal Capricorn energy of moving mountains. Mars has joined this work party in Capricorn! Our energy waits for direction. Success shows up as joy.

Our first Mercury Retrograde of 2020: our mind gets space for us to feel a new way about how we live our emotions, addictions, and intuition.
Mercury stationed Rx February 16 in 12°53' Pisces. Our grip of mind loosens during this 3-week period, which occurs 3 times a year. And this Pisces Mercury Rx gets to happen during Pisces season, when it is the opportune time to cultivate our connection with the Divine. As Sun, Venus, and Neptune are also aboard, we get extra help releasing our mind trips and grips and moving into the heart. It's a great time to observe our mind games and see them for what they are. Against this backdrop of cosmic silence (Pisces), we can hear the stories, rationalizations, desires, judgments, and chatter.

March 4: Mercury Rx enters Aquarius 

Mercury stations direct in 28°Aquarius13' on March 9th, the same day of the Virgo Full Moon, and will re-enter Pisces on March 16th.

March 4: Venus Enters Taurus. Our values and how we create conditions for physical contact are still in Aries and will transition being focused on the courage of self-awareness and raw spirit into a form of temperance and awareness of boundaries.

Beautiful dreaming and germinating to each of you fruiting bodies!
