Taurus Full Moon of Space Making with Cortinarius camphoratus

Full Moon of Space Making in 19°52' Taurus
Fungus: Cortinarius camphoratus
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 5:34 am (PST)

Cortinarius camphoratus. Potato and cheese.

Cortinarius camphoratus 

MycoAstrological Correspondences: Taurus, Vesta, indulgence, physical senses, stability, comfort zones, determination, devotion, narrow-mindedness, patience, privacy, sacred space, guilt, shame. 

This purple mushroom has orange spores and smells somewhere between a rotting potato and raclette, a Swiss dish of melted cheese. Cortinarius camphoratus, or the Goatcheese Webcap, is the name we have called it. Every species in the Cortinarius genus have orange spores and a cortina, or a partial veil, that is more of a sheer, weblike tissue that covers the gills as they are forming. Thus the common name "webcap".

A Cortinarius species, possibly C. collinitus. Note the fruiting body's webby cortina and
orange spores. (Marc Kummel).  
Celebrate your fruiting body and release old comfort zones
Taurus Full Moon is removing the blocks to our security, stability, and determination. Taurus is affectionate, sensual, and perhaps a bit indulgent. What Taurean qualities are we releasing that we do not need anymore? What comfort zones are you releasing? Possessions? Values? Narrow-mindedness? Once-upon foundations? Patterns and indulgences? This Full Moon is opposite to Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. Understanding and communicating your feelings is important and may be a bit delayed, be patient with yourself. Celebrate your fruiting body! Celebrate pleasure! Celebrate your interconnection with the natural world!

This Full Moon takes place in the same degree as Vesta, a pinnacle moment in the asteroid's stay in Taurus from 6/10/2019 - 4/21/2020. Vesta is synonymous with seva, Sanskrit for "selfless service". 

Cortinarius camphoratus seen with orange spores on stipe. 
And queue the smell of potato and cheese.

Winter's devotion to our sacred flame
Vesta, known to Greeks as Hestia, is the temple priestess who presided over the vestal virgins of Rome. Vestals' lives were dedicated to spiritual service and responsible for keeping the sacred flame burning that ensured safety and warmth for the Roman Empire. Thousands of years earlier, in the ancient Near East, the predecessors of these Roman priestesses tended a sacred flame and also engaged in sacred sexual rites to bring healing and fertility to their people and the land. In these earlier times, of the goddess-centered religions, sexuality was not divorced from spirituality. Priestesses, representatives of the goddess, could enter ecstatic, spiritual transcendence with or without union to an outer partner. If the priestesses opted for uniting with other beings they didn't have to contractually commit to them by marriage. 

Vesta represents the devotion to use our creative or sexual energy to deepen our relationship to ourselves. There's the kind of creative energy that releases something into the world, and then there's the kind of creative energy that slowly whirls, stirs, and gyrates something into being. The Vesta Taurus conjunction is the slow, patient, and sustained rhythm that brings spirit into form. Vesta is definitely being your own lover. You are your soul's mate.

Other themes associated with Vesta include devotion and sacred space, and the healing of shame and guilt. These two themes are incredibly important and terribly neglected in our society right now. Sacred space can be seen as private, personal space designated for a specific purpose. Healing often entails creating the physical space for the desired function; massage rooms, forested trails, a ritual fire, calling in the four directions. As Taurus is the second sign and follows the raw and unfiltered spirit of Aries, Taurus puts spirit to form. Taurus is the physicality of spirit. Create conditions (Taurus) for the complexities (Scorpio) to unravel. 

Cortinarius camphoratus.
Are you holding selfless space?
As we move from the older goddess religions to the solar religions, these Vestal Virgins began to be held to the standards of purity that denied sexual relations. "Chaste" originally simply meant "unwed", but with the transition to God-centered religions (or solar religions), priestesses were considered daughters of the state and sexual relations were therefore "incest", treasonous, and punishable by being buried alive or beaten to death. Healing shame and guilt comes from creating time, space, and conscious awareness to avoid repeating the same injury.

The Vestal Virgins bear tremendous collective responsibility. This is seen in two ways. We are setting aside our own needs and focusing on facilitating for someone else. We are also, in a way, setting aside our own personal needs for a larger purpose. 

How are you a space holder? How do you hold selfless space for higher vibration, higher purpose, something greater than yourself? How do you hold selfless space for others? 

A Cortinarius species with its engulfing cortina. (Eric Steinert)
What have you consciously let die as we enter the dreamtime?
During this Full Moon, we are illuminated by the awareness of what we want to create sacred space for throughout this long winter, until the thickness of springtime. In the Northern hemisphere, we just passed through the three harvests of autumn -- including the harvest of the soul. We are entering the yearly death of winter and are invited into the long darkness -- the dreamtime. What parts of yourself have you consciously let die as they are no longer supportive?

Mercury Retrograde rethinks and reorients how we have emotional power to create synergy with others
Mercury retrograde is conjunct Sun (exact on 11/11) with Sun fully illuminating Moon on the very next day (Full Moon). In Mercury's Retrograde cycle, the conjunction with Sun brings information to light regarding the past. This aspect surfaces subconscious memories. Mercury conjuncts Sun several times a year, and actually cannot get farther than 28° from Sun at any time, however this conjunction is special because Mercury is passing directly in front of the face of Sun. Usually, Mercury passes just above or below Sun. Mercury, Sun's little brother, will not make this rare conjunction again until 2032. In the face of ___, what have you uncovered?

Mercury comes out of Retrograde and stations Direct at 11° Scorpio on 11/20. Mercury will clear their shadow on 12/7 by passing through 27° Scorpio, the degree point at which they began Retrograde, and we will be fully supported to enact the changes we've made during the reorientation, retracing, and remembering of the Retrograde. How is your emotional power transforming? What house does Scorpio inhabit in your chart? For example, House 4 = home, family, stability, belonging; House 6 = labor, unpaid service, day to day activity, health, etc. 

Sun is in Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius on 11/22. These last days and nights of Scorpio season carry us from riding the wave of penetrating into the heart of our emotional landscape and into upcoming Sagittarius season.

Venus, in Sagittarius, enters Capricorn on 11/25. 
Mars, in Libra, enters Scorpio on 11/19.

Happy incoming darkness, and cheers to your fruiting bodies!
