Aries Full Moon of Releasing Power with Pholiota

Full Moon of Releasing Power in 20°14' Aries 
Fungus: Pholiota species
Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 2:08 PM (PST)

Pholiota squarrasoides 

MycoAstrological Correspondences: Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, temperament, cooperation, specialness, belittling, disregard, self-awareness, right use of force, impulsiveness, slow processes of maturation, obstacles to work through, Mars, Pluto, Saturn.

Pholiota grow in bunches, their stems connected to one source. Their bright orange color pops out in the forest and their scaly caps and stems catch our eyes. What could be beneath those puffy orange caps? More pointy, scales down the spine... A partial veil covers the white, crowded gills when young and still maturing. Pholiota trigger our imaginations to remember time long ago, when our habitual responses formed and before we knew what specialness was. What are these scales for, anyway?

Pholiota fungi are fleshy members of a genus who are saprotrophic (wood-rotting or death-eating) and parasitic, with cinnamon brown or rusty brown spore prints and commonly feature scaly and/or slimy caps. There are about 150 species and microscopic features usually confirm the acute differences. Specimens' smells are also identifying features -- whether they develop a garlicky, lemony, radishy, or skunky odor. They are typically found in colder weather and in montane regions. Pholiota is derived from the Greek pholis meaning "scale". Once thought of as edible, they are now not recommended to eat especially due to gastrointestinal upset, especially with the addition of alcohol. 

This Aries Full Moon is about releasing self-important modes of expression and identification. What are your go-to ways of feeling important? Give up your specialness. Invest in each other and communal healing processes. What truly gives you power? Where there's fear, there's power. Libra is adaptive, and a cooperative negotiator. Ruled by Venus, who is in Scorpio, Libra and its harmonizing significations are being Scorpionically illuminated during this month. When you want to get at the heart of the matter, balancing the needs of self and other is especially difficult, and requires slowness and gentleness.

Full Moon Aspects (themes between now and the next New Moon)
Moon Square Saturn: surfaces slow processes of maturation and emotional obstacles to work through. 
Moon Square Mercury: energy is increased in the flow of habitual responses, emotional communication, and early socialization/childhood development.
Moon trine Jupiter: warmth, optimism, and the desire to have a good time.
Sun sextile Jupiter: material and spiritual growth.
Mercury sextile Saturn: catch up on organization, studying, and anything that requires clear thinking.
Pholiota squarrasoides
How are you powerful by impulse?
Where do you have power over others? (Hint -- look at what houses Aries and Libra occupy in your own chart! This axis is being activated during this Moon.) How are you being unconscious with important people in your life? Do you find yourself running on automatic without taking a breath that can oxidize the life force of your body? How is your temperament transforming? Are you actually listening to others? Are you listening to the truth of your feelings or simply reacting? 

Pholiota squarrosoides
Scorpio wants to get at the heart of things, and without Scorpio and its nitty gritty transformation, we'd all be walking around with detritus (waste) up to our foreheads. Scorpio turns over every stone. Frankly, it's not easy to be the attentive death detective, and it's easy to have hard feelings over such transformative emotions and cycles. We're talkin' intimacy, vulnerability, and allll the sticky, heavy feels. The prelude of this year's Scorpionic energy is bringing to the foreground transformation that begins in your communication as well as your values. Do you talk to yourself in destructive ways? In what ways do you disregard and belittle yourself? In what ways do you disregard and belittle those you are in important relationships with? 

Give up specialness

Aries/Libra is the right use of force. It is the self-warrior who has courage and enthusiasm to cooperate and communicate with themselves and with others. Libra can be fickle, polarizing, and needs to learn to decide on the gut level. 
Pholiota squarrosoides

Our emotions and habitual responses (Moon) are activating Chiron, the other planetary body currently in Aries. Chiron represents our psychological understanding of suffering and healing. Chiron is the ability to understand our conditioning. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and in a way is a new year, a fresh cycle, and an initiation. This is the first Aries Full moon of Chiron's 9 year transit through Aries. We are invited to understand the suffering and healing of our identity, our self-determination. Where are you caught in your own shadow? This is the initiation into transforming our self-awareness, our independence, self-nurturance, co-dependence, expecting others to be like oneself, and any tit-for-tat mentality. The key to this healing journey is about creating win/win situations, tact, and giving to others without expecting reciprocity. 

This Full Moon Release and Illumination sets the stage for not only the whole year but the next 8 years of Chiron's Transit in Aries. Right now we have the opportunity to release what doesn't serve and to illuminate the beginning of this transformation through our actions, personality, identity, and our temperament. How are your impulses changing?

Aries rules the head and the motor centers of the brain. To integrate this somatic experience during your Full Moon ritual, try integrating the head (Aries) with the kidneys (Libra). In other words, think with your lower back-gut and feel with your head. Breathe into this meditation and let yourself feel sensations that arise in these two places. How and where do these two places connect? 

Planetary Transits and Aspects
Sun in Libra until 10/22.

Mercury in Scorpio 10/3-12/9 (unusually long time in one sign due to Retrograde). Mercury goes Retrograde on 10/31, which allows us the time and space to see things from a new perspective. Mercury = how we communicate, exchange, early childhood development, mental space. Scorpio = emotional transformation with precise and attentive energy, honesty, and vulnerability.

Mars in Libra 10/3-10/19. Mars = how we take action, willpower, desire. Libra = collaboration, cooperation, adaptation, indecision. 

Pluto just recently turned direct in 20° Capricorn (10/3) after turning retrograde in 23 Capricorn on April 24. This retrograde is a regular cycle happening every year, lasting 5 months. These 5 months saw reflection about power, decomposition, and control, and we are now supported to implement the changes we've reconsidered since April. In many ways we are supported to recompose.

Upcoming Aspects and Transits
October 14: Sun square Pluto
October 15: Venus Opposite Uranus
October 21: Venus trine Neptune
October 23: Sun enters Scorpio

Sporulating blessings!
