New Moon of Royal Radiating in Leo with Rainbow Chanterelle

New Moon of Royal Radiating in 8° 37' Leo
With Rainbow Chanterelle (Cantharellus roseocanus) 
July 31, 2019 in 8°37' Leo at 20:12 (PST)

There is potent fire energy empowering us to make change with all personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) transiting Leo and participating in a grand fire trine during this moon cycle with Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius. During this Moon Mercury stations Direct, Uranus stations Retrograde, and Neptune in Pisces aspect the fire in Leo to bring out depths of dreams, intuition, and subtle vibrations. The stage is set for new beginnings. We emphasize new ways of romance, creativity, and being a kid. This New Moon in Leo affects people most profoundly with personal planets and planetary energy in the cardinal zodiac signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius. Even if you don't have personal planets in these 4 signs, everybody has a house that these signs rule in their chart, so observe what house they're in to see where these energies are present in your own chart.

If you can, bring out your own natal chart and follow along!

This New Moon in Leo shines the spotlight on ourselves, our emptiness, and our fullness. During our post-eclipse and post-mercury retrograde integration, look to what house Leo takes up in your solar chart to find where these radiating energies of stimulation are taking place. With Leo, we move forward proudly, with gusto, personality, and flame. We are celestially, seasonally reminded that our earth is a vast creative force. We can dance, love, support, perform, and act with conscious, embodied intention. Write down three deep realizations you've made during the Eclipse and Mercury-Retrograde season and brief bullet points outlining practical steps you're taking to be accountable to integrate, sustain, and move forward into the next 5 months toward our next Eclipse. 

MycoCosmic Glyph for New Moon of Royal Radiating in 8° 37' Leo with
Rainbow Chanterelle (Cantharellus roseocanus) on July 31, 2019 2012 (PST)
Leo is the energy of our most sensual expression and vibration. Leo rules the most central part of the body -- the heart and the spine. Exalted qualities of Leo examine how we take up space. What am I here to do? How can I commit and align with my commitment? Leo can profoundly learn by understanding that they do not exist in a vacuum. Leo is a part of a collective whole, and in fact the other side of Leo's axis is Aquarius! The collective mind of universal love. The way Leo emits energy is in fact part of a collective whole. When Leo emits energy that is loving, the collective whole increases its vibration. If Leo emits energy that is harmful then the self gets harmed and nothing beneficial is added to the collective. Leo has the true opportunity of being royal and loyal to themselves and their surroundings.

The Leo/Aquarius axis is of the self expression (fire) and understanding (air). When Leo is in detriment (when it is not functioning well) Leo becomes self-centered, arrogant, can take up a lot of space, and becomes assuming that other people are just as interested in what's going on for them as they are. When Aquarius is in it's detriment they can feel alienated, disassociated, and find obstacles in emotional bonding. The Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo (yes, the sun's a star and 'planetary' just what we call that zodiacal relationship) meaning the Sun flourishes when in Leo. The Sun is detriment in Leo's opposite: Aquarius. This means that Aquarius is a very challenging sign for the Sun to occupy. The Sun needs to express individual identity whereas Aquarius needs to express group identity. Leo and Aquarius can emulate each other or become envious, but eventually they will see they are part of the same thing. They are both expressing the same polarity -- the same reality. 

Transit Chart for New Moon of Inner Radiating with Cantharellus roseocanus (Rainbow Chanterelle) at
8° 37' Leo on July 31 at 20:12 (PST). (
Mercury stations direct on August 2 and completes its shadow on August 15. Once Mercury completes its shadow, the point at which Mercury began "retracing" its transit (due to apparent motion from earth), we will have much more clarity of their Retrograde effects. Reflect on the time between now and June 21, when Mercury entered reflect shadow. Mercury is the planet of mental attention and how we use our minds. Mercury represents communication and speaking functions with yourself and others, which includes how we hear and are receptive to ourselves and others. Being the closest planet to the sun, Mercury is the first to interpret our own essence.

Mercury began it's retrograde in Leo, an energy of self-expression, specialness, and self-importance. Then Mercury dove back into Cancer, where it had just been, which has to do with our personal relations, safety, security, and how we feel involved in family and bonding to the world. Re-entering back into Leo, this retrograde is about something that we are now going to express, offer, or give. 

Throughout Leo season (7/23-8/22), a grand fire trine will be aspecting all of the personal planets. Moving through early Leo, the Sun, Venus, and then Mercury will be stimulated by a trine with Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius. 

Chiron began retrograde in 5° 56' Aries on July 9, will travel back to the 1° in Aries, on December 13, and will remain in their shadow until April 4, 2020 when it gets back to its initial 5°56'. Chiron's transit in Aries will last for the next 9 years. Chiron brings our awareness to our ancestral pains and traumas of previous generations. How have our pain lineages created identity wounds? Chiron in Aries represents the healing of our Identity Wound. How have we been victims of or been suffering through the ways in which we assert ourselves, go for what we want, or draw borders to express ourselves? How have our identities felt ashamed, inadequate, broken? 

Chiron unpacks the ego. What am I actually expressing from? What am I initiating from? From unconscious biases? What's in the way of heartfelt pure essence? For these next 9 years, we are on a wave that explores how each one of us can resolve and heal to become more radiant in what we offer. Chiron in Aries energy recovers through action with static or somatic practices. 
Rainbow Chanterelle or Cantharellus roseocanus by Michael
Wood via

Jupiter in Sagittarius, the 2nd leg that the planets in Leo are aspecting in the grand fire trine, is in a year long transit, has been Retrograde since April, turns direct on August 11, and enters Capricorn on December 3, 2019 until December 18, 2020. Jupiter in Sagittarius asks what do I believe in? What am I? How do I know myself? What is worth expanding for? How have I been making space? Look to the house that Sagittarius occupies to see where in your life this energy is surfacing. Jupiter wants you to grow in your self capacity and meaning-making.

Your personal planets in Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius will be experiencing friction provoked by this grand fire trine. Look to the houses these 3 zodiac signs are in to see where these energies are encountered.

August 11 marks Uranus' station retrograde in Taurus. Uranus began a 7 year Taurus transit in March of 2019, and will turn direct on January 12, 2020, which is also the same day that Saturn and Pluto form a conjunction in Capricorn, an important astrological event, and a once-in-36-year cycle. This Uranus transit has radical evolution potential as a collective, and your solar house where Taurus lies will also tell where Uranus' pioneering energy will draw inward through retrograde and awaken and unveil on a personal level. 

Cantharellus roseocanus (Rainbow Chanterelle): Leo/Aquarius, Sun, Aries, Fire, ego, expression, identity, heartfelt essence, specialness, eyes, blindness, performance, romance, theater

MycoAstrological correspondences: Planet: Sun; Secondary Ruler: Mars; Day: Sunday; Main organ: Heart; Second Organ: Blood; System: Circulatory; Tissue: Plasma; Action: Hot/Dry

Rainbow Chanterelle, Cantharellus roseocanus, in Oregon (Jordan Weiss/Fungables LLC. , July, 2019).
Rainbow Chanterelles reflect the vastitude of our own colors up our thick stem and into the grooves of our curling undersides that are bowing to our own hearts. Deep inside we are white, pure heart-felt essence. Inside our Leo self-expression is our universal understanding of love.

Rainbow Chanterelles (Cantharellus roseocanus) are one of many varieties of Chantarelles and grow in the Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, northern Midwestern, and eastern North American forests. Rainbow Chanterelles are mycorrhizal with spruces or two-needled pines and can grow alone, gregariously, or in loose clusters. All Chanterelles (Cantharellus) rely on symbiotic relationships with host trees. It is important to avoid damaging the mycelium when harvesting because it can take years to recover.    

Cantharellus roseocanus are distinguished by brightish orange false-gills (folds in mushroom's spore bearing surface that are not structurally distinct units) that produce pale orange-yellow spore prints, and are composed of solid, white flesh on the inside. Their caps are duller in color than the Pacific Golden Chanterelles and display a pinkish bloom toward the cap margin. Different Chanterelle species may have varying appearances, spore prints, and require environments or host trees/plants. 

Known as lisichki or "little fox" in Russia or "little fish-gills" by the Thompson First Nation in British Columbia, the Chanterelle genus boasts many different names and a variety of species. Cantharellus is Latin for "good to eat" and Chantarelle is from the greek kantharos for "vase", due to the mushroom's shape. In British Columbia, Chanterelles have been hung and dried by First Nation peoples and, when abundant, are roasted over a fire on sticks like marshmallows.

Chanterelle medicine has long been conversing with some areas of the body that Aries rules, which are the head, brain, eyes, face, and pinneal gland. Traditional Chinese medicine has used chanterelles to prevent blindness, inflammation of the eyes, tonify the mucus membranes, and increase resistance to respiratory diseases. In Latvia it has been used as a tincture for tonsillitis, furuncles, and are believed to remove intestinal worms, to delay the growth of tubercular bacillus, and promote removal of radioactivity from the body. During this New Moon, Rainbow Chanterelles remind us of our own radiating of our true essence from within. Chanterelles are also used for Vitamin A deficient-related diseases such as dry skin, softening cornea, night blindness, and xerophthalmia. Chanterelles contain significant amounts of ergocalciferol, or D2, which regulates calcium transport in humans. 

Play well and express your true radiating, dear loves!

Peace, love, and spores.

  1. Rogers, R. (2011). The Fungal Pharmacy: A complete guide to medicinal mushrooms & lichens of North America. Berkeley,, CA: North Atlantic Books. 
